Strength, Fitness & Wellbeing sessions for people living with MSK conditions/ Arthritis, and their family/friends

We deliver sessions in very laid-back, personable way, creating a culture, environment and atmosphere where socialising and connecting with other people is as big a part of each session as the actual physical exercise and strength conditioning.

Weekly sessions, beginning Tuesday 8th March at 12.30

This is a funded programme, in collaboration with Versus Arthritis.

Sessions are free.

Please contact to book

For Arthritis support and guidance please also visit Versus Arthritis website

Sesiynau Cryfder, Ffitrwydd a Lles ar gyfer pobl sy’n byw gyda chyflyrau MSK/Arthritis, a’u teuluoedd/ffrindiau. 

Rydyn ni’n cyflwyno sesiynau mewn modd hamddenol, braf, gan greu diwylliant, amgylchedd a naws lle mae cymdeithasu a chysylltu â phobl eraill yn rhan mor fawr o bob sesiwn â’r ymarfer corfforol a’r cyflyru cryfder.  

Sesiynau wythnosol yn dechrau ddydd Mawrth 8fed Mawrth am 12.30 

Rhaglen wedi’i noddi, ar y cyd â Versus Arthritis. 

Sesiynau rhad ac am ddim. 

Cysylltwch â i archebu lle 

Am gefnogaeth ac arweiniad ar gyfer arthritis mae croeso i chi hefyd ymweld â gwefan Versus Arthritis